Obviously, never trust anything that looks so innocent because it can be horrendous. And this is oh so true of the snow in London. Obama poked fun at DC for not being able to handle a few inches of snow, I wonder what he thinks of London. Many of the Tube lines are shut, trains are shut, roads are blanketed with snow, and airports are shut. Anyone heard of a plow? Dan tells me that they "grit" the road, but he's not sure if that's just salt or sand. If Ted were here, he would probably laugh at the English. Honestly, I know DC is bad about handling snow and things. But I would like to say that Metro lines don't completely shut down; I mean there are big delays (as per usual), but they definitely don't shut down. And why would an airport allow a plane to land in weather like this? Silly silly people.
Still, it's always fun to look at and play in. Not so fun if you have to travel to work and all that jazz. Relax, have a hot chocolate, enjoy the weather, and if you want to kick it old school, run out and make a snow angel or have a good old fashion snow ball fight! :)
Missed you last night for Super Bowl Partay fun!